Puding coklat memeang salah satu makanan yang sangat lezat dan penggemarnya pun terbilang cukup banyak, dengan memiliki tekstur yang sedikit agak kenyal tapi terasa lembut, ini membuat yang memaknnya terasa rilex dan pastinya kepingin nambah lagi, selain enak di mulut puding juga baik untuk pencernaan, puding selalu di identikan sebagai makanan penutup, atau dengan sebutan lain makanan pencuci mulut, namun bagi mereka yang menjadikan puding coklat ini salah satu makann favorit mereka, mereka tidak hanya menjadikan puding ini sebagai makanan penutup saja, puding coklat juga di sajikan di waktu waktu lain saat santai seperti acara kumpul keluarga, acara reuinian dan acara acara besar lainnya seperti di hari raya.
![Cara Membuat Puding Coklat Cara Membuat Puding Coklat](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjGZ2E2LgwMlqk6aYav9PI8bSlWysBQlOVBRD0jtaV6H341hzjqRG56TUcsEfCcHXaEh4GhnHO9zy0OwvmA_PUETgTXJvkghWjHCT3jWHjqLpeUk-Hbk7M9PubVG0-EIyFwrWNuRb1js30w/s320/Cara+Membuat+Puding+Coklat.jpg)
Namun puding coklat ini bisa di kasih resep tambahan lain seperti buah, dan mungkin ini khususnya buat para pecinta buah buahan, atau buat kamu yang suka dengan susu puding coklat juga cocok di padukan dengan tambahan susu, ada juga yang bisa di jadikan bahan tambahan lain yaitu double cream dan fla, itu semua tergantung selera kita masing masing, asalkan kitanya kreatif pandai pandai dalam memasak puding coklat dengan tambahan lain pastinya akan menghasilkan kreasi yang sangat luar biasa.
Cara membuat puding coklat sederhana dan fla:
Bahan untuk puding coklat :
- 1 bungkus agar-agar bubuk
- 150 gram gula pasir
- 1/2 sendok teh garam
- 1/2 kaleng susu kental manis coklat
- 1 sendok makan cokelat bubuk
- 1 liter air masak (pakek susu cair juga boleh)
Bahan dengan saus vla :
- 1 kaleng susu evaporated
- 200 ml susu cair
- 4 sendok makan gula pasir
- 2 sendok teh tepung custard
- 1/2 sendok teh vanilla extract
- 2 sendok teh maizena
Cara pembuatan puding coklat tersebut:
- Siapkan mangkuk berukuran agak besar, masukkan semua bahan puding coklat (kecuali gula dan garam), aduk hingga tercampur rata dan menjadi larutan, kemudian saring. Setelah itu, tuangkan ke dalam panci.
- Tambahkan gula pasir dan garam, kemudian aduk hingga tercampur rata. Masak hingga mendidih dengan api sedang sambil sesekali diaduk. Angkat dan diamkan hingga uap panasnya menghilang.
- Tuangkan larutan puding coklat ke dalam cetakan yang telah dibasahi sedikit air sebelumnya. Untuk cetakan/ loyangnya sesuai selera anda. Setelah itu, masukkan cetakan/ loyang berisi puding ke dalam kulkas dan tunggu hingga puding benar-benar keras.
- Untuk saus vlanya, masukkan semua bahan (kecuali gula pasir) ke dalam wadah yang berbeda. Aduk hingga tercampur rata dan licin, kemudian saring.
- Masukkan ke dalam panci, tambahkan gula, dan masak hingga meletup-letup dan mengental. Angkat dari kompor dan biarkan saus vlanya dingin dulu.
Sumber: http://www.indirania.com/2015/08/resep-cara-membuat-puding-coklat.html
How to make chocolate pudding was certainly not a difficult task as long as we have a strong desire, and most importantly take action.
Chocolate pudding things indeed one of the food was very tasty and the fans was quite a lot, with the texture is a little bit chewy but soft, it makes the memaknnya feels Relax and certainly want to add more, besides bad taste in the mouth of the pudding is also good for digestion, pudding always at identical as dessert, or as other desserts, but for those who make chocolate pudding is one makann their favorite, they do not just make this pudding as a dessert course, chocolate pudding is also served at the time of another time when relaxing as a family gathering, the event reuinian and other large events such as the event at the feast.
How to Make Chocolate Pudding
However, chocolate pudding can be in love recipes other extras like fruit, and maybe this is especially for the lovers of fruits, or for you who like milk chocolate pudding also fits in the mix with the addition of milk, there also could be made in other additives which double cream and fla, it all depends on our tastes, respectively, provided kitanya clever clever creative in cooking chocolate pudding with other additional certainly will produce a very remarkable creations.
How to make chocolate pudding simple and fla:
Material for chocolate pudding:
1 packet gelatin powder
150 grams sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cans of sweetened condensed milk chocolate
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 liter of boiled water (pakek liquid milk is fine)
Materials with sauce custard filling:
1 can evaporated milk
200 ml liquid milk
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons flour custard
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons cornstarch
Ways of making the chocolate pudding:
Prepare a bowl size is rather large, chocolate pudding put all the ingredients (except sugar and salt), stirring until well blended and into the solution, then strain. After that, pour into the pan.
Add sugar and salt, then stir until well blended. Cook until boil over medium heat while stirring occasionally. Raise the heat and let stand until the steam disappears.
Pour the solution into a mold chocolate pudding that has been soaked in a little water before. For mold / loyangnya according to your taste. After that, insert mold / pudding into the pan containing the refrigerator and wait until the pudding is really hard.
For vlanya sauce, put all the ingredients (except sugar) into a different container. Stir until well blended and smooth, then strain.
Put it in a pan, add sugar and cook until bubbling and thickened. Remove from the heat and let the sauce cool vlanya first.
Ok chocolate pudding with topping fla on it already beberbentuk, now if you want a more unique and interesting sure we stay provide decoration according to the taste that we want in order to add to our passions antuk menyantaf pudding, but remember do not forget to share, either to our friends or our neighbors, and of course we would feel proud to share with others from the work of his own hands, and of course also those who kebagaian giving us feel good as well, because share was beautiful, and be sure to be rewarded as long as we are sincere in sharing them, ok regards sikses always how to make chocolate pudding own works, respectfully.