Bahan puding:
- 3 Putih telur
- 60g gula pasir
- 1/8 sendok teh garam
- 1 bungkus agar agar bubuk
- 400ml susu cair
- 15g coklat bubuk
- 35g gula pasir
- Pertama tama kita rebus dahulu gula pasir, agar agar bubuk, susu cair, dan coklat bubuk, tunggu sampai mendidih, dan sisihkan.
- Selanjutnya kocok putih telur dengan garam sampi sedikit mengembang.
- Masukan juga gula pasir sambil terus di kocok hingga mengembang.
- Langkah berikutnya masukan rebusan adoanan puding tadi sedikit demi sedikit sambil di kocok terus dengan perlahan.
- Dan yang terakhir tungakan adonan tasi kedalam loyang atau cetakan yang sebelumnya sudah di basahi dengan air, dan selesai deh.
Puddings have you ever stripped before, if you now want to try to be creative to make puddings and look for ways to make my information here will share recipes and the like where the weave, and the following materials and method of processing.
Creating Pudding
Material pudding:
3 Egg whites
60g sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 pack of agar agar powder
400ml milk
15g cocoa powder
35g sugar
Ways of processing:
First we first boiled sugar, agar agar powder, liquid milk and cocoa powder, wait for it to boil, and set aside.
Furthermore, beat the egg whites with the salt sampi a little fluffy.
Put also sugar while continuing to beat until fluffy.
The next step input adoanan pudding stew was little by little while in the shake continues slowly.
And the last tungakan tation batter into the pan or mold that have previously been soaked with water, and finished deh.
That is the procedure for making puddings easy, but if you just like it probably looks less appealing you can add basic ingredients such as, coconut milk, milk, or you are one of those happy with the fruits, so you can add fruit to additional materials make pudding