Berikut bahan membuat puding coklat susu kental manis yang enak:
Bahan yang harus di siapkan:
- 400ml susu cair kental manis
- 3 butir putih telur
- 1 butir kuning telur
- 2 sendok makan gula pasir
- coklat serut
- Saus vanili/coklat
- 1 bungkus agar agar putih
- 50gr dark cooking chocolate di potong potong
Cara pembuatan:
- Gula pasir, agar agar, susu, coklat, semua bahan tersebut di masak di atas api sedang, tunggu hingga panas.
- Ambil sedikit dari adonan tersebut campur dengan kuning telur, tuangkan krmbali ke adonan panas, masak sampai terlihat mendidih dan angkat.
- Kocok putih telur hingga mengembang dan naik, tuangkan adonan agar agar sedikit demi sedikit dan aduk terus sampai bercampur dan merata.
- Tuangkan adoanan tersebut kedalam loyang atau cetakan yang sebelumnya sudah di basahi air supaya nantinya tidak lengket, diamkan dan tunggu sampai dingin dan membeku, dan untuk hasil yang lebih cepat membeku bisa juga simpan di lemari es, dan siap untuk di sajikan.
Chocolate pudding milk is becoming one of the pudding preferences, yap indeed be seen in terms of the material alone is not foreign to sound in our ears, the first chocolate who does not know the name of chocolate, a lot of foods that are made from chocolate starting from sweets, cakes, and a lot of different types of biscuits that use the basic ingredients of chocolate, and for material which further is milk, the milk is not less famous with chocolate, other than milk chocolate too much be made as a main ingredient flavoring foods such as candy caramel, extra drinks fresh such as fruit soup, coconut ice and the other, chocolate and milk aplenty enjoy doing and regardless of age, and which we will discuss in Herein is the basic ingredient of chocolate and milk is to make puddings, continue like where to chocolate and milk in made puddings remain calm because there is a solution under which the process like chocolate and milk into a food that many enjoy doing.
Milk Chocolate pudding
The following ingredients to make chocolate pudding sweetened condensed milk delicious:
Materials to be prepared:
400ml of liquid sweetened condensed milk
3 egg whites
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons sugar
brown shaved
Vanilla sauce / brown
1 packet so that the white
50gr dark cooking chocolate chopped
Ways of making:
Sugar, agar agar, milk, chocolate, all the ingredients are cooked over medium heat, wait until hot.
Take a bit of dough is mixed with egg yolk, pour the batter krmbali to heat, cook until boiling and remove visible.
Beat the egg whites until fluffy and up, pour the batter so that little by little and stir until mixed and evenly.
The adoanan pour into baking pan or mold previously soaked in water so that they would not sticky, let stand and wait until it cools down and solidifies, and to freeze faster results can also store in the refrigerator, and ready to serve.
Like where is not, and for a more attractive appearance can add, other materials such as oreo, or cookie the other, and if you like the fruits would not hurt to add fruits on it, in addition to delicious for eating can all enhance view, because with an interesting view of lust might add someone to eat it, it's ok just to be conveyed hopefully you succeed and make a success of your favorite milk chocolate pudding.